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Barges for charter

As specialist shipbrokers, we’re involved in the chartering of flattop barges, holdbarges, rock barges, accommodation barges, semi-submersible barges and related specialised marine equipment. Our relationships with a global database of client owners, built up since the early 1980s, gives us a real competitive edge in offshore vessel rental.

Just click on the barge sub-categories you’re interested in to see a selection of what we have available for charter. This is only a selection. For more information please contact us with details of your charter requirements.

See barges for charter
Folio #: BP027C
Location: NW Europe
Hold barge for sale or charter / Built 1997 / 76.5 x 11.44m
Hold barge for sale or charter / Built 1997 / 76.5 x 11.44m
Build Date:
LOA (m):
Beam (m):
Draft (m):
Depth (m):
DWT (t):
Hopper Capacity (m3):
Hatch covers:

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