MV ‘Malavi’ ex ‘Costa Verde’ for sale – Trailer Suction Hopper Dredger with bow connection
Built: 1998, at Barkmeijer Stroobos, Netherlands; 2011 converted from cargo vessel into TSHD including installation of new, Damen dredging equipment
Class: BV – SS: 04/2022 – class has not been renewed
Class notation: I + Hull + Mach + AUT-UMS; Hopper Dredger, unrestricted navigation; dredging within 15 miles from shore and within 20 miles from port
LOA: 87.85m, Beam: 16m, Depth: 6m
Max draft: 4.64m (sailing)
Hopper Capacity: 2,100m3 / 3,155mts
Dredge depth: 25m
Main engine: 1 x MAK 8 M 20, 1,358bhp @ 900rpm
Bowthruster: 1 x 250kW
Dredging equipment
Suction pipe: 1 x 700mm
Discharge pipe: 1 x 600mm
Dredge pump: 820kW
Jet pump: 2 x 223kW
Aux engine: 2 units total 200kW
Discharge method: 2 x 5 bottom doors; Pump ashore; rainbow
Vessel comes with extensive list of spares.
Note: Dredger was originally built as a cargo vessel and was converted into a dredger in 2012. Conversion included widening from 12.5-16m beam and installation of Damen dredging gear.
Please contact our brokers for further details and availability.